I am always looking for inspiration to create new abstract and minimal artwork and I do this through my digital sketchbook. I find, collect, and curate images from the world around me that can be turned into abstract and minimal artwork.
I like to work within what I think of as a defined space as I feel it gives a power and clarity to the image, and this delineated space helps to concentrate the abstraction. Sometimes the source image is heavily edited, and at other times it is left intact apart from cropping the image to fit on Instagram. It is not important to be able to identify what the original image or object was; it is important to be able to see the abstraction for itself and leave the viewer to connect to the image in their own way.
My process is as follows:
Each day I post a piece of artwork
Every 100 days, I change the three themes of the artworks posted
I take an image out of its’ original context to create a piece of abstract art
To create this abstract art, I focus in on one part of the image. For example, I take the initial image from an interesting angle and then go on to crop the image, flip it, rotate it, change the exposure, contrast, saturation, or hue, and then add filters depending on what I think the original image needs.
I am interested in the forms, shapes, and texture within these artworks
I do not give any details on what the initial image was or how the final abstract artwork was created
I give each artwork the title DAY and the corresponding number and a rough graphical location of where the initial image was taken
My arts_warwick account is not just my digital sketchbook but also documents my journey and is a process of discovery. I use it as a source of inspiration and a record of new ideas, processes, images, and styles. I use it to gauge people’s reactions to my ideas.